Weekend was great! Tiring, but great just the same. Hauled the Daune Ballard Traveling Honda Show along with the EC gear out to Ventura Friday. Got settled in and had some great dining to boot. Didn't know what to expect from the Beatnik Blowout, but it was an absolute blast. Great people turned out and the crowd at the booth was steady all day long. Met a ton of great people and ran into some buddies I haven't seen in a while too. Duane's bikes got all sorts of attention and the Pink Taco even took second place in the show! Definitely an event worth checking out the next time it comes around. We'll be there for sure.

After the Blowout, we headed back down to OC and picked up my long-time pal Sean at the airport and took him for some "better than your east coast will ever be" style Mexican food. That man put away the number 15 at El Matador, like it was nothin'. Then I had to stay in the room with him that night... wonderful. The Ballards got to be treated to some late-night Rave Music that had them all sorts of groovy in the a.m. for sure. Before you knew it, it was swap time and we headed out again. Light vendor turnout, and all-in-all, slow day in Long Beach, but that was perfect after the long Saturday. Went with a short list of items I need for the knuckle build and found everything at once when Dice Matt unloaded their parts box. Thanks man! More good times and a mix of new / old friends. As Lisa says, it's more of a monthly family reunion than anything these days.
Finally got packed up and off to our neck of the woods again. Hot-as-balls out in the IE, but we survived to tell the story. Left the Ballards with a tear and drug Sean back to the homefront. Talked shop a while and then raced over the twisties that are the Ortega Hwy back to OC for a late-night bite and to drop Sean off at his hotel. You'll be missed man, it's always a good time when we have you out!!! He'll be workin' in Irvine all week, and I'll be trying to find a way to catch up on some much needed rest.
To everyone we met, thanks for the great weekend! Wouldn't be the same without you folks at our destinations! Later...