Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And if you're leaking enough vital fluids this Sunday...

You could win this trophy!!

That's right kiddies, you could take this hunk of scrap we made home with ya if you get your butts and your janky chops out to the Bobber Zun Zun festival this weekend at the Hummingbird Ranch. Go check out all the info at their SITE. Looks to be a good dose of sensory overload, and we're bummed we'll miss it. Make sure to put up a toast for us!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Life in the rearview...

Just under 4k on the clock. Now back to the grind, but not without leaving some great times in the history books! Great seeing everyone on the road, and for those of you we missed, we'll catch you on the next one!

The leaving train...

This car is off the charts. All hand-made body and EFI system, as well as a ton of other one-off stuff. 

Mikey's dual-carbed Ironhead getting it done.

A little mobile-pole show never hurt a party! Sonora knows how to get it done!

Parking lot fix-it for the tail light. Funny how janky auto parts bits made it longer than my "professional" solder job. Oh well.

Only in Vegas will you find tap shoes in the saddle bags of a chopper. Seriously, I can't make this shit up!

The Canuck gives in to the power of Christine! I just want to see him ride it...

Vegas monkeys can fuck footballs with the best of 'em! No lie though, Brent's sporty is going to be tits!

The eye of god pushing the snow after me. Funny how much faster you can make a bike go in zero-degree temps!

Finally ditched the freeze for some sun and stopped off at Denver's finest. Could almost taste home at this point.